Asshole of the Century

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Homily for Chuck and Nicole's Wedding

Friends and family,

We are gathered here to celebrate the marriage of Nicole and Charles.

Nietzsche said that man is a rope, tied between a beast and the uberman, a rope over an abyss, and that what can be loved about man is that we are an overture, noting that “one must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star”.

On this slow, evolutionary path from ape to angel that we are on, the relationship between a man and a woman is the dynamo that drives this change. When Jesus said, “You shall cleave together as man and wife, and the two shall become one flesh”, he was not saying this as practical advice, like a divine Dear Abby. No. This statement is a dare, an imperative to propel both an individual man and woman along with the collective of mankind on to greater things.

The ancient Greeks believed that the eternally bound together couple made a third being, which was comprised of the two individuals but had a seperate identity.

Charles and Nicole certainly have that. They have their seperate lives, Charles with his skateboarding and Nicole with her work as a photo editor. But their corporate body, not Snap Cult, their company, but corporate in the sense of collective, being bound together, their corporate identity, the wacky sarcasm that they share, their fascination with cool music and kung fu, their rejection of mainstream claptrap, and their pursuit of their own paths in life, are something they shared and developed together, something that, if not greater, is at least a magnification of its parts.

Nicole and Charles have been together since they were teenagers, which is a rare thing in this day and age, and they’ve traversed the flotsam of modern culture, together finding their place in this world. And it is this relationship, the corporate Chuck and Nicole as well as their private, individual selves, that we celebrate today, as well as marking this as a sacrament between them and our collective posterity.

The Vows:

Do you Charles A Booth, take Nicole to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and hold, to honor and cherish, and vicey versey, till death do you part?

Do you Nicole B Radja, take Charles to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and hold, to honor and cherish, and vicey versey, till death do you part?

Exchange rings

I now pronounce you man and wife.
Charles, you may kiss the bride.

Alright, let’s eat some ribs.


Blogger John P. Garry said...

Dear James,

Amen, Dude. The Nietzche quote is so James Barnett. You really love that bestial-divine dialectic. And vicey versey.

Evoking Nietzche to start a marriage is pretty daring, as is trashing one of America's top three cultural contributuons to the world (the other being movies and the steel frame skyscraper)

Speaking of architecture, the last Wrestlemania was in Chicago, and the cable broadcast's title/logo scene included a representation of your fancy new park. So, add another structure to Chicago's list of design icons.

I'm trying to come up with some joke about International Church of the Web.

Oh, I got it:

If there is a protest movement will Luthur's 99 theses will be emailed instead of nailed to the church door?

If there is a Great Schism will the new entity be called The International Church of the Web 1.1?

Best JPG

May 21, 2006, 8:22:00 PM  

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