When America Jumped the Shark
“She was
a sweet, pretty California girl with Palestinian roots who left an arranged
marriage only to find love with a man who committed the worst mass shooting in
U.S. history.”
So began
the lead story on the Chicago Tribune’s website this Wednesday. I realize many in the media have gone out of
their way to try and personalize everything Muslim over the past fifteen years.
But has it really come to this?
next? How about: Eva Braun, a sweet, pretty girl from the Bavarian hills who
left the bucolic but restrictive confines of her home only to find love with a
man who committed perhaps the worst genocide in modern history.
officially gone crazy. Do I have to note that this “sweet, pretty girl with
Palestinian roots” is a likely accomplice in the killing of 49 people? What has
gone wrong with America? It seems we have no standards or decency, that gossip
and personal innuendo have not just replaced the news but that reporting has
become a parody of itself, where all stories are real and valid as long as you
tell them with verve. We have become a nation of bullshit artists, in love with
the sound of our own words, and an accessory to murder becomes a “sweet, pretty
California girl” when it suits the larger narrative.
country used to be able to count on its reporters to seek the truth. Wise and
strong leaders would guide us in times of trouble, men like Lincoln, like Ike,
like FDR, compelling us to preserve the union, warning us against the powers of
fascism or the military industrial complex. But I’ve come to think that
whatever blessings God has shed on this country since its founding have been
taken away, that this nation is now cursed by purveyors of lies and ineptitude.
It is
time to hunker down, to take stock, to realize that the people who purport to
inform and to lead us are not by and large working in our best interest. It is
time to turn off our Facebook pages, to leave our chatrooms, to step back and
take the time to be individuals again. It is time to think for ourselves.
Labels: American destiny, bullshit artists, Eva Braun
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